Yes, I suppose I could contain myself to my bed and Tagore for entire 4-6weeks while my ankle successfully heals, but that’s not going to happen. I have to get to my classes and run errands, but most importantly, I would go insane. I would probably end up sawing off my own leg in desperation, and then wield the bloody appendage as a weapon when others got too near.
Ultimately, I decided not to confine myself to Tagore and to go about my regular Indian-life to the best of my leg’s ability. However, I still cannot walk long distances, which has often lead to missing class if the bus doesn’t come or I can’t catch a motorbike, but let’s be real, it’s not like I’ve ever been disappointed by that misfortune.
In an attempt to save money I still haven’t left Hyderabad since I got back in January, but even though I had generally planned not to go anywhere, having a sprained ankle has stopped any spontaneous weekend get-a-ways. We’re still taking advantage of Hyderabad’s numerous Lady’s Nights throughout the week, but whenever we go I’m mostly refined to remaining at our table, with my leg elevated, drunkenly dancing by myself, from a seated position.
Overall, my sprained ankle has been the biggest hindrance in the plans I had to take advantage of Hyderabad’s outdoor activities. Since we traveled so much last semester, I never adequately explored campus or joined any groups to go rock climbing or bouldering. However, since I knew I was going to be spending a lot more time in Hyderabad this semester I had every intention of joining Hyderabad’s Outdoor Club, which leads weekly expeditions to go on nearby hikes and climbing excursions. Granted, I make a lot of plans and I fail to carry out the majority of them, but this was something I really saw myself doing and enjoying. However, due to my bum leg I never even joined the mailing list.
Within the past week or so I’ve been getting really restless and tired of being handicapped, so I made plans to go back to the hospital to get my ankle checked on to see how extensive the damage really was and if there something else I could do to encourage healing. So I hired a taxi and yesterday, Friday, I set back out to Apollo Hospital.
As the all-knowing knowing Web M.D. suggested, I requested a sonogram to be done on my ankle, which can show muscle damage much more clearly than an X-Ray. Much to my disappointment, the sonogram showed no sign of damage. It was then suggested that I could get an MRI done of my foot, which would definitely give a clear picture of my foot muscles, however, even though medicine in India is much cheaper than in the US, an MRI would’ve still been over $100 and even I can admit that the most likely conclusion would’ve been for the doctor to tell me to just keep doing what I’ve been doing. So I left, proving the saying wrong that no news is not necessarily always good news. However, the doctor I saw did say that if I called him this week he could try and get me a boot, so hopefully that will help some.
Other than me doing a whole bunch of nothing, not a lot has
been going on. My friend Maria and I are planning to go to Jaipur, Udaipur, and
Agra over Holi, which I’m really looking forward to. The Norwegians, myself,
and two other “year-longers” are planning to go to the Andamen Islands during
the 2nd week of April, so we’re all really excited for that too. I
still don’t have my travel plans set for once I’m done with school, but I at
least know I’ll be somewhere up north.

Also, I never called the doctor about getting a boot. Who's surprised? Not me.
*I tried to post this last week before I left and apparently it didn't work. Damn you India!!*