Friday, July 8, 2011

Can't Sleep

So Tuesday afternoon Danny and I drove up to Durango, CO. We were going to go to Crested Butte, but my plane left the next morning in Durango and the drive from Crested Butte to Durango is like 3hours. Durango is a actually a very neat, old cowboy town. I went there when I was 10 with my family to do a river rafting trip and also considered going to Fort Lewis College, which is located there. We stayed in a hotel that was built in the 1880s, so it was all decorated like that and with antiques and such. Our room was small, but very nice with a window that overlooked the main shopping street. It was also nice to have a shower curtain seeing as Danny's was destroyed in the "shit coming up the drains" incident. We walked around town for a bit while I desperately tried to find I dress that I could wear out to dinner, because silly me, I didn't think that when I packed to go work at a vineyard for a month that I'd ever need something nice to wear. Before dinner we went back to the room to drink some wine and get changed. Dinner was excellent and we were going to see if any of the saloons had music, but since it was a Tuesday they didn't, so we retired for the evening.
Wednesday morning my plane left at 9:56am (according to the ticket). It was not a happy occasion. The following plane ride was even unhappier.
By the time I got to Denver and got my bags checked with SouthWest, I decided I needed food. I've mostly been "eating-in" while in Utah, so the cartoon panda mascots from the  Panda Express seemed to be calling my name. I think I misheard them. My so-called "food" was so unappetizing that I think I'll be good to not eat Chinese food for a while.
I go into Nashville about 6:30. My animals were all very happy to see me. Huck bit and slobbered all over me and Obie peed in excitement. Even Chrysanthemum didn't pretend to be mad for too long, although she did throw up a hair ball on my bed in the middle of the night, so I guess she considers us even. I was generally unhappy and moody all of today, but I did some serious retail therapy at Target and Publix. Who knew shopping for food could be therapeutic?
I also began watching HBO's Game of Thrones earlier and it is really good. I just finished the second book last night and the show does  not disappoint. Huck has some gross, pussy/gooey spot on his head, so I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow. Right now I obviously can't sleep. Chrysanthemum is sleeping next to me. Being a cat is so easy. I would gladly sleep 18hours a day with only getting up to move sun spots and eat. Maybe I should start killing people so I can be reincarnated into a cat. I see Sybil next week for the first time since January! I wonder if she's gotten fat? I hope she's  gotten fat...

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