First we went to this place that was pretty tree covered for being in a dessert. We took more of a "walk" than "hike" to this old cave that Danny found a few years back. Basically it has Anasasi paintings and pictographs that are 3000 years old. It was incredible. Everything was in such great condition. I obviously wanted to touch them, but having grown up in art museums I figured that was probably a bad Idea.
Next we drove to this old hill that was an Anasasi midden (trash heap). There were pottery shards everywhere. My pockets were completely filled by the time we left. Apparently there's a $750 fine for every artifact you take out of Utah, but if I say I found them all on private land then its ok, I think. I also wondered what the Anasasis would think about people going through their 3000 year old trash.
After we took a drive to Monument Valley. Danny had never really been there, so we weren't quite sure what we were getting ourselves into. It turned out to be just a very long off-roading trip, but the views were great. We discovered that no roads go into the valley, just around it, which I guess is kind of nice. Unfortunately our drive was very long and very dusty, so once we got back to the house around 10 my allergies had began to pick up. I pretty much went straight to bed after dinner, a shower, and watching the Scientology episode of South Park. A good part about living with foreigners is that you are obligated to show them all about American culture in the most efficient way. Tonight we're going to watch Pulp Fiction and we have very serious plans to watch the South Park episode on Mormons, a necessity seeing as we're living in Utah.
3000 year old cave drawings.
Towards the middle there are some really amazing hand prints, but I thought I got a better picture of them than I actually did.
I'm so tired of taking pictures, they never come out how I want, but I don't know if me or my camera is the issue.
But those are the Abahos Mountains
(I turned 180 from the last picture)
This is Monument Valley and the mountain range is the Sleeping Ute, which is in CO
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